Newsletter Editor
Purpose: Create for NNL, the bi-monthly newsletter, Sunflower
Purpose: Create for NNL, the bi-monthly newsletter, Sunflower
- Work with Database chairperson to determine the deadline date to prepare the newsletter to be distributed at the board meeting the month prior to newsletter date. Currently, the deadline is the 1st Friday of the month.
- Cover color should be changed each month. Cover page should always include the website:
- Back cover should include mailing information (New Neighbors League, Database Chairperson, and the address – but not the name - of the database chairperson) and space for a mailing label.
- Receive articles from leadership team. Encourage articles be emailed by deadline.
- Decide if late submissions will be included.
- Receive from President: President’s bi-monthly message. At the first of each year, receive name/position of leadership team. Include the names, positions, and phone numbers of the leadership team.
- Receive from 1st VP: dates of bi-monthly luncheons with date, time, place, program information, and RSVP deadline and the cost and address to send checks for luncheon.
- Receive from Day Trip Coordinators: dates of bi-monthly day trips with date, time, place, and description, with cost of event, and carpool information if applicable.
- Receive from 2nd VP: Activity information/changes and new member profiles with name, address, phone number, email address, and list of interests.
- Receive from database: Birthdays and renewals.
- Meet and Greet information is to be included each month. Location: The Corner Bakery Café, 6721 W. 135th St., Overland Park, Kansas, 913-955-2370.
- Date/Time: Evening, 2nd Thursday, every month at 6:00 p.m. Day, 4th Thursday every month at 10:00 a.m.
- The following articles may be sent to you: Socials, NNL in Action, pictures from events, NNL fundraisers, Red Rose Honoree bio.
- Type and edit articles, insert graphics and pictures.
- Create the bi-monthly newsletter and email final copy to the database chairperson. The database chairperson emails the final copy of the newsletter to UPS store at 7111 W 151st Street, Overland Park, [email protected], 913-897-7723 and determines how many copies are to be made. NNL maintains a prepaid account under NNL/Edna.
- The database chairperson picks up the copies, labels and distributes them.
- Maintain permanent Sunflower newsletter file containing 3 years of newsletters, including the current year.
- Keep a copy of the directories for 3 years, including the current year.