To promote NNL to prospective members and help new members become acclimated to the club.
The committee is appointed by the President in the August board meeting and consists of 5 members: 2nd Vice President-Membership Chair; Activities Chair; Advisor; Database; one member at large and Area Manager as observer.
To promote NNL to prospective members and help new members become acclimated to the club.
- Attend Meet and Greets or find someone else to represent you there.
- Have membership packets available at all NNL functions attending.
- Membership packets include:
- Two-part membership form
- National NNL Brochure (Blue Tri-Fold)
- Local Chapter Brochure (Yellow Tri-Fold)
- Activity/Participation Sheet
- Welcome Letter
- Pre-addressed return envelope
- Photo Release Form
- Membership packets include:
- Give membership packets to AREA MANAGER, PRESIDENT, and MEET and GREET CO-ORDINATORS.
- When needing more ‘Two-part membership forms’ or ‘National NNL Brochure’ contact Annie Jefferson, at national. Her phone is: 678-352-8288. This is a landline, so please no ‘text’. She will usually send 25 or 30 ‘packets’ of the above two forms.
- Gather information from NNL Leadership Team to promote NNL activities/events/news to prospective and new members.
- Telephone prospective members using lists received from AREA MANAGER, CLUB PRESIDENT, our website and/or Club Members.
- Inform prospective members about NNL and its activities. Discuss personal interests and emphasize specific NNL activities in accord with those interests.
- Invite prospective members to NNL activities; convey any cost, reservation deadlines, etc.
- Inform the CLUB PRESIDENT, DATABASE COORDINATOR and the AREA MANAGER if prospective members plan to attend an event.
- Arrive early and greet prospective members at NNL functions.
- Maintain accurate written record of prospective members, their contact information, and the outcome of your conversations with them (See Attached ‘Record of Calls’ Form)
- Follow up with prospective members via telephone within one week after their initial visit to NNL. Offer to answer any questions, suggest NNL activities that might suit them and remind them to submit their membership forms with payment if they have not already done so.
- If prospective member is hesitant to join NNL, encourage her to attend a second NNL activity.
- Use good judgement to determine how long to continue contacting a prospective member. Help prospective member feel welcome.
- Assist prospective members as needed in completing their membership forms with payment upon sign-up or during their initial visit to an NNL function.
- Verify all forms are filled out completely. If not, politely bring it to the attention of the prospective member in person or via the telephone.
- Collect payment ($40.00 new NNL member or $25.00 for a transfer NNL member). Checks made out too: New Neighbors League.
- Give new member a copy of the newsletter.
- Separate completed two-part membership form:
- Attach payment to the white copy of the membership form and submit them to the TREASURER.
- Maintain the yellow copy of the membership form along with a copy of the Activities sheet in the Membership folder by year.
- Give the Activities Chair a copy of the Activities sheet.
- Email DATABASE, WEBSITE, ACTIVITY, & NEWSLETTER chairs the new member information immediately when payment is received with the following information:
- Last name, first name (husbands name)
- Street address
- City, State, Zip Code
- Subdivision
- Phone
- Phone Type
- Email Address
- Birthday
- Moved from what State?
- Any other information provided to you
- Write up bio information and send to NEWSLETTER EDITOR.
- Give the Photo Release Form to the WEBSITE COORDINATOR.
- Maintain a list of the new members using the above format.
- Continue friendly contact for the first month of membership by extending personal invitations to attend specific NNL activities to new members.
- DATABASE will send a notice out of members who will not be rejoining NNL for the year.
- Mark out the person in your membership listing and remove any email addresses you might have for them.
- The National Blue Tri-fold and the Two-part membership form can be ordered from corporate office: Annie Jefferson (678-352-8288)
- The Local Chapter yellow Brochure can be obtained from the Database Manager
- Copies of the other items can just be printed
The committee is appointed by the President in the August board meeting and consists of 5 members: 2nd Vice President-Membership Chair; Activities Chair; Advisor; Database; one member at large and Area Manager as observer.
- Determine prior to the first meeting of the Nominating Committee the intent of each current board member to remain or not to remain in their current position. If a current board member wishes not to remain in her position, determine if she is interested in being considered for any other available position – be specific.
- In the August board meeting, pass out the Leadership Team Ballots to all board members.
- Contact any board member that is not present in the August board meeting to determine their intent for their current position for the next year.
- Plan the meeting between the August and October board meetings.
- At the meeting of the nominating committee, determine what positions need to be filled for the next term and try to fill them.
- Database needs to provide a list of all current members
- Membership provides the member background sheets from new members for the last two years.
- Members of the committee make suggestions on the member’s areas of expertise.
- Always try to get the newer members involved as soon as possible.
- Committee members call to offer positions (always have a second position ready in case they do not want the first position offered).
- Have the job description, when making the call.
- In the November board meeting, during New Business; announce to the board the Leadership Team for the next year.
- At the December luncheon, the nominees are presented to the General Membership for a vote and then to be installed. They then attend the December board meeting where they receive their position notebooks so they are prepared for their first official meeting in January of the next year.
- A copy of the new slate of officers needs to be sent to the Newsletter editor for the editor to include on the inside front cover of the first Newsletter of the year.